
[1]. Ad Gentes Redemptoris Missio.

[2]. Enomiya-Lassalle, Hugo. Zen­ Meditation Fur Christen. (Mun­chen: Otto W. Barth) 1973.

[3].__________,”Eucharisticum myster­ium: Instructio de cultu Mysterii Eucharistici” in Documentorum In­staurationis Liturgicae, edited by Marietti. VoI. I, 1976, nn. 899-965.

[4].__________, “InaestimabiIe Donum” in Documentorum lnstaurationis Liturgicae, edited by Marietti. VoI. II,1988, nn. 3959-3993. .

[5]. Kadowaki, Kakichi. Invito Alla Meditazione.

[6].__________, “On some Aspects of Christian Meditation.” L’Osser­vatore Romano (English edition), January 2, 1990.

[7].__________, “Ritus de sacra Commu­nione et Cultu Mysterii Eucharistici Extra Missam,” nn. 3060-3108.

[8]. “The Roman Liturgy and Incultu­ration: In the Instruction for the Right Application of the Conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy,” L’Os­servatore Romano (English edition), ApriI 6, 1994.

[9]. Sacro Sanctum Consilium.

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